Sunday is brunch day

I’m full.

Every once in a while (alright, every once in a very rare while) you get the chance to spend that perfect weekend peppered with just the right amount of food. Saturday was burger time and Sunday–following another lovely American tradition–was brunch time.

Just a few days ago I was chatting with Mirona over beers about how awesome American breakfast was: not just the variety of salty foods and omelets, but the myriads of soft textures and heavenly flavors that reside in pastries–everything from pancakes to scones to sweet breads. Couple with that, Lavi shared a personal fantasy of the “hangover party,” which involved getting together with people for coffee and such after one of those rougher nights on the town.

These conversations, along with my own personal longing for American breakfast and a new muffin pan purchased as a birthday present to myself, led me to the logical conclusion that Sunday should be brunch day.

And it was. The menu was simple but tasty:

– Pepper and onion omelet;
– Strawberry Banana muffins (we used this recipe as a guide);
Mimosa cocktails (1/3 orange juice, 2/3 champagne).

I’ll take credit for chopping and cutting a bunch of the ingredients as well as finding recipes and offering the much needed cooking space and encouragement. As usual, most of the cooking credit goes to Jo and Lavi. We make a pretty good kitchen triad and we’re available for weddings, funerals and various spontaneous gatherings. All we ask for in return is a decent working soundtrack and the right to share your personal story with the world.

Are we worth it? Just check out our dream-like muffins below (and this was our first attempt, mind you!)

Muffin making

Muffin making

Muffin making

One Response to “Sunday is brunch day”

  1. Happy belated B-day, Cristi! When was it, by the way?
    Thank you so much for giving me a great idea of what to bake for the weekly family reunion.
    The strawberry banana muffins look fabulous in the pic!!! And so yummy, or better said yummah!!!
    The recipe should be good. You know what they say, a good recipe is a guarantee of a good product.
    I will fix some Mimosas for my family, too.
    Oh, those good ole times when I used to drink Mimosas at breakfast in nice local restaurants in Seattle…and my “home”town, Lexington, KY….
    Very very good ideas you gave me with this post for which I am very thankful to you, Cristi.
    Thanks for the link to the website. I will use it in the future, that is if I rediscover the joy of baking/cooking…
    Oh well, I was gonna say thank you for writing, but I am afraid I would be thanking you profusely already…haha. Got it?
    Which reminds me that I was gonna tell you that I loved that post of yours about the time you were looking for a house in DC and you were sweating profusely…Very funny
    Keep doing what you do!
    Take care

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