Archive for June, 2005

You are currently browsing the Owlspotting weblog archives for June, 2005.

Arthur Phillips reading at Barnes and Noble

I read “Prague,” Arthur Phillips’ debut novel, with rare pleasure (thanks Elle). In the year before reading “Prague,” pressured by graduate school work, I had drifted into non-fiction. Phillips’ book reminded me of the pleasure of reading stories where the mind can create as many scenarios as it wishes. Plus, the book had a post-communism […]

Night on the 1 train

The car’s door bounced in and out on the woman’s thin right arm a few times before she was able to push herself on the crowded train. I was being squeezed from both sides and caged in from above by some broken down old people, a punk rock Indian girl and a college-aged couple locked […]

Clap Your Hands and Say “The Fame”

The recent band endorsement war between the Village Voice (The Hold Steady) and NY Press (The Fame) convinced me to go see The Fame at the Knitting Factory. It was my first New York City show and it seemed appropriate to check out such a hyped local band. The Fame does play catchy classic rock, […]


This is a post about Brooklyn and Manhattan. To come… Update (more than a year later): This blog started with a post that was never written. How amusing.